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Thursday, August 13, 2009

34 H

No, it's not a bra size.. but the number of hours I've been awake. 34 hours is a little too long. The weather is still crap so I might as well sleep now. Who knows, maybe I can beat my current sleeping record which is 15 hours.

To sleep or not to sleep, that depends on the snoring

No, it's not really my friends snoring that keeps me awake. I just don't feel like sleeping.. and there's no point going to bed for two or three hours. I've been awake for 23 hours so I might as well stay up a couple more.

Tomorrow.. well, today.. I'm going to take care of some things. I can sleep later. I have to continue going through stuff in my apartment too (I have too many things and too little space). I would like to move but it will probably take many years before I can get another apartment since I want to live in downtown Stockholm. =)


This day was almost exactly the same as yesterday. Yesterday, a friend and I went to the movies and saw a preview of the latest Beck movie. Unfortunately it's one of the worst Beck movies I've seen. Later in the evening we were at Kat DeLunas after party at Café Opera.

Today we saw a preview of The ugly truth. Then we went to the after party at Solidaritet. It was nice with some live performance by Andrés Esteche. Later we got a fancy goodie bag. Yay! =) Unfortunately it was somewhat boring after a while because I love to dance but when the place is half empty and people are just standing at the bar, I have no desire to dance. But I'm not discouraged. Overall, I enjoyed it and I look forward to the next exciting event.

Friday, May 29, 2009


Today (Thursday) a friend and I went to Rose (nightclub). It was a pretty nice evening. I never say no to free drinks. Ha, ha! All that was missing was a dance floor. I can't help it.. When I hear good music it's almost impossible to stand still.

We went home earlier than I really would have liked. Why? In a couple of days I'm going to Spain and I don't want to spend the first week just sleeping. Yes, I know that it's called vacation and that you should take it easy, etc.. but there are so many new things to discover and explore. Life is an adventure! =)

Why am I still up at 4 in the morning? Good question.. unfortunately I don't have a good answer to that.