All this is my own hair.. and it's actually longer now than when I took the photo. Wonder what hair style I should have if I win tickets to ESC.. 🎤😊 #brunett #brunette #girl #woman #kvinna #tjej #chica #mujer #sueca #morena #fille #femme #suédoise #svensk #svenska #swedish #selfie #självie #schwarzkopf_se #eurovisionlook #hår #hair #hårfrisyr #frisyr #hairstyle #longhair #långthår #peinado #coiffure #acconciature A photo posted by 🇸🇪~🙄~🇪🇸 (@freakytina) on Apr 22, 2016 at 5:38pm PDT
I wasn't feeling well so my friend surprised me with an upgrade of my hotel room to a suite. First time I've ever slept in a castle. It has a cool name: Schloss Wolfsbrunnen. 🏰 #brunett #brunette #girl #woman #kvinna #tjej #chica #mujer #sueca #morena #fille #femme #suédoise #svensk #svenska #swedish #selfie #självie #tyskland #germany #Deutschland #alemania #lyx #luxury #lujo #schlosswolfsbrunnen #schlosshotelwolfsbrunnen #hotel #hotell #meinhard A photo posted by 🇸🇪~🙄~🇪🇸 (@freakytina) on Apr 15, 2016 at 2:24pm PDT